ICTFOOTPRINT.eu Hands on Workshop Event “Green ICT – in practice”
LOCATION: Amsterdam, NL
TIME: 09:00-13.30
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu is organising a half-day "Hands on Workshop Event: Green ICT – in practice”, in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), on 20th March 2018, to sensibilise people to understand what Green ICT is for companies. The workshop is a half-day event, starting at 09:30 and finishing at 13:30 with a networking lunch.
To attend the event, please register here.
The event is supported by TQ, an innovative start-up hub in Amsterdam, where the event will be held. See more info on the venue here: https://ictfootprint.eu/en/sat-o-work-shop-amsterdam
Purpose & Scope
Getting to grips on what Green ICT is not an easy task, but the concept of Green ICT touches all our lives and brings together two relevant themes concerning the present, future of our current world, technology and the environment.
Nevertheless, just as many other things that we do every day, ICT has an environmental impact and much more than we care to realise and admit so raising awareness to help reduce its impact is key.
This is why the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu project is putting together a series of hands-on workshops, around Europe to raise awareness on what Green ICT is for companies to engage with tools and services that can make us more energy efficient in ICT and to allow a platform for policy makers to introduce actions as part of national digital agendas to help us make a better sustainable world for our environment and for the business environment we work in.
The Workshop
The half-day stimulating, yet intensive workshop will be divided into three different parts.
The first part of the day will be dedicated to policy and public administration interventions on national policies and programmes and a state of the art of measures that are being taken in Green ICT in the region. Renowned players of the region will provide interventions and allow the audience to see what priorities are available as well as opportunities. The results will feed into the Policy roadmap report that ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will deliver at the end of the project that can serve to deliver some recommendations to policies on future topics and priorities that need further research.
The second part of the workshop will be offered to showcase best practices from the ICTFOOOTPRINT.eu marketplace of reputable Green ICT tools and services available to help companies become better in ICT energy efficiency. This will lead to a Q&A open discussion with members of ICTFOOTPRINT’s.eu esteemed External Advisory Group (EAG) members who can provide thought-provoking insights and questions to the panellists pitching their products and services.
The final part of the workshop will be an interactive training session with the participants who will complete the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu Self-Assessment Organization tool accessed here: http://sat-o.ictfootprint.eu/ and will provide user experience feedback with our experts. As the consortium has identified a series of success stories on its marketplace – they will also be invited to contribute actively to the workshop and provide an overview of their solutions on offer.
Who should attend?
Innovators, ICT intensive SMEs wishing to become Green ICT friendly, researchers, policy makers and funding agencies looking to assess future priorities and challenges in Green ICT. Public adminstrations, larger organisations.
Key benefits
Participants will find out what Green ICT is all about and gain valuable insights on current research priorities and potential opportunities in the area of ICT energy efficiency and sustainability. The event will bring together a reputable group of expert opinion leaders who are knowledgeable about IT resource efficiency and green ICT, and a heterogeneous audience providing the perfect occasion for networking and to share experiences. Best practices and innovative solutions will be showcased completing the offerings of this dense yet informal event. From the event, you can:
- Develop your organisation’s Green ICT assessment during the hands-on session with our SAT-O;
- Grab the opportunity to become a member on our ICTFOOTPRINT.eu marketplace as a buyer or seller and become part of our green ICT growing community
- Gain a whole new understanding of why Green ICT should become your priority & how it can be affordable for SMEs;
- Learn about tools and products on the market in Europe today that are providing Green ICT products.
The Agenda
Tuesday 20th March 2018 | ||
Hands on Workshop Event: Green IT in Practice | ||
Time | Description | Speaker |
09:00-09:30 | Registration & Welcome Coffee | |
09:30-09:45 | Green ICT - the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu Services | Silvana Muscella - ICTFOOTPRINT.eu coordinator & Trust-IT Services CEO (Presentation) |
09:45-10:00 | Green IT & developing on a multi country alliance on Green ICT in practice |
Jaak Vlasveld - EAG member & Director of Green IT Amsterdam (Presentation) |
10:00-10:15 | EC code of conduct & making Data Centres Green | Mark Acton - EAG member & co-chair of Code of Conduct WG (Presentation) |
10:15-10:30 | Local government representative from the digital innovation ministry on Green ICT policies | Bob Crooks - Chair of the British Computer Society Green IT Specialist Group and Green IT Lead at UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Presentation) |
10:30-11:00 | Networking Coffee | |
11:00-12:00 | Panel intervention on Tools & Services to lower ICT carbon footprint |
Companies from the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu marketplace with feedback from EAG members
12:00-12:30 | Q&A and feedback from EAG with panelists | Chair: Silvana Muscella - ICTFOOTPRINT.eu coordinator & Trust-IT Services CEO |
12:30-12:45 | Training session SAT-O how it works - Hands-on session | Frédéric Croisson - Manager at Deloitte Sustainability |
12:45-13:15 | Feedback & user expereince from the participants | All participants |
13:15-13:30 | Wrap-up & conclusions | Moderator: Silvana Muscella - ICTFOOTPRINT.eu coordinator & Trust-IT Services CEO |
13:30 | Networking lunch |
TQ, Amsterdam. See how to get to TQ here and join us!