The 3rd year of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu goes from 1st February 2018 through to project end 31st January 2019.
During this second year of the Project, running from the 1st February 2017 until the 31st of January 2018, ICTFOOTPRINT.eu achieved a series of specific goals, actions and objectives, in compliance with the KPIs defined in previous reports.
Numerous methodologies, whether ICT specific or applicable to ICT systems, were developed in the past years and have been identified in the scope of the project (see map of methodologies available on ICTFOOTPRINT.eu platform). Each of them describes the given applications and potential benefits – some examples of tangible benefits may as well be found among the success stories showcased online.
The present deliverable describes the global and emerging trends observed in the sustainable ICT sector during the three years of the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu project, with regards to: environmental indicators and methodologies; emerging best practices and subsectors; and more generally, the inclusion of sustainable ICT practices in a broader perspective, including economic, social and societal aspects.
The aim of the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu project is to deliver a practical response to the barriers identified to the adoption of ICT footprint calculation methodologies among the European ICT sector. Previous observations showed that too many organisations, while wanting more energy-efficient products and services, do not know where to start nor have the adequate time or resources to pursue this efficiently.
The present deliverable describes the global and emerging trends in the green ICT sector, with regards to: environmental indicators; emerging best practices and subsectors; and more generally, the inclusion of green IT practices in a broader perspective, including economic, social and societal aspects. A specific focus is made on green public procurements. It should be considered as a complement to the deliverable D2.2, which introduced the concept of “sustainability in ICT”, by opposition to “sustainability by ICT” (i.e.
The ICT sector is estimated to contribute for 8-10% of the European electricity consumption and up to 4% of its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In the coming years it is expected the ICT to growth rapidly, potentially increasing its impact on the GHG emissions consequently. ICTFOOTPRINT.eu, as a Framework Initiative for Energy & Environmental Efficiency in the ICT Sector, aims at raising awareness and introducing the main aspects of a sustainable ICT focused on an environmental assessment approach.
The present report outlines the need for the EU to develop a global strategy to reduce the environmental impacts from the ICT sector (covering goods, services, as well as organisations activities). Indeed, the growing demand for ICT goods and services leads to increased environmental impacts from the sector; while further knowledge is needed to efficiently understand these impacts.
The following report comprises a detailed approach to the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu communication strategy and outreach of year one of the project spanning from 01/02/2016 – 31/01/2017. The specific goals, actions and communication objectives, with corresponding KPIs are described.
This deliverable describes the vision of the environmental efficiency in the European ICT sector that has been acquired by the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu initiative during the first 12 months of activities. It specifically describes: