What is SAT-O?
SAT-O is a free and simplified Self-Assessment Tool for ICT-intensive Organisations. SAT-O allows you to estimate the carbon and energy footprint of your organisation, including for instance the footprint derived from your equipment’s whole life (from production to keeping it running and up to its dismission) and caused by business travel and commuting.
Who should use SAT-O?
ICT private and public organisations (Large, Small & Medium Enterprises) and Public Administrators, that want to better understand their ICT carbon footprint.
Why should I use SAT-O?
To get a personalised report, with a light reading style, that shows the approximate climate change and primary energy footprint of your ICT-intensive organisation assessed over one year. The report also suggests actions to improve your ICT environmental impact.
What kind of organisations can I assess?
ICT-intensive organisations i.e. organisations that heavily rely on ICT for their functioning.
How can I use SAT-O?
- STEP 1 – Start your SAT-O by clicking here: http://SAT-O.ictfootprint.eu/Pages/Home.aspx
- STEP 2 – Share with us some light info about your organisation, so we can better understand your profile
- STEP 3 – Fill in the questionnaire about your organisation
- STEP 4 – Download your take-away. Read your Customised Report. Understand the primary energy consumption and climate impact of your organisation, for one year
- STEP 5 – Take actions to reduce your environmental impact.