Numerous methodologies, whether ICT specific or applicable to ICT systems, were developed in the past years and have been identified in the scope of the project (see map of methodologies available on ICTFOOTPRINT.eu platform). Each of them describes the given applications and potential benefits – some examples of tangible benefits may as well be found among the success stories showcased online.
However most local authorities and companies in the ICT sector are facing difficulties which may prevent them from adopting the methodologies, and more globally from taking into consideration environmental aspects. Literature review as well as feedback gathered from ICT stakeholders (through surveys, during events as well as phone interviews) allowed for the identification of the main barriers, gathered in this deliverable in distinct categories, depending on whether the barriers relate to the inherent complexity of life cycle approaches, to the ICT sector, or to the type of structure (e.g. SMEs, local authorities).
General findings gathered during the first year and half of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu indicate that the perceived benefits from “ICT for green” approaches (e.g. digitalisation of services in sectors others than the ICT sector) are widely recognised among stakeholders, whereas the advantages related to “green ICT” (i.e. ICT with optimised performance / reduced environmental footprint) would strongly benefit from larger awareness raising. Wider implementation of the methodologies among ICT stakeholders cannot be expected without a better understanding of the related benefits and advantages on “green ICT”.
Among the levers currently identified to encourage implementation of methodologies, several of them appear to be in scope of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu. Raising awareness among ICT stakeholders is a key aspect of the project, notably through webinars, factsheets on the methodologies, as well as simplified assessment tools (SAT-S was released recently, SAT-O will be released in the coming months). Another contribution from ICTFOOTPRINT.eu aims at improving relations and communication between stakeholders of the sector, e.g. through the marketplace as well as success stories showcased online.
The materials and services provided by ICTFOOTPRINT.eu evolve during the three years of the project, in order to adapt to the users’ identified needs. This is why it is important for ICTFOOTPRINT.eu to receive feedback from stakeholders on the relevance and applicability of existing services as well as on how they believe the ICT sector would benefit from such an initiative.
In this regard, the deliverable is a first iteration of an ongoing work, and will be updated during the second half of the project based on additional feedback. The report is divided into three main sections, the first outlines the introduction, purpose and scope. The second section details the uptake of the methodologies in the scope of the project. The third section details the main barriers for uptake and it concludes with some existing and potential levers. The content and material gathered during the three years of the project will contribute to deliver concrete recommendations to Member States to reduce/remove these barriers, to be included in the final deliverable D3.4, to be delivered on M36.