ICTFOOTPRINT.eu as a speaker at “Green ICT” webinar
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu was invited to be a speaker at “Green ICT” webinar, taking place on 7th November 2016 at 11:00 am CET and organised by Green Digital Charter, a network of committing cities to working together to deliver on the EU climate objectives through the use of ICT.
Silvana Muscella, Coordinator of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu, will make a presentation on “Services within the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu ecosystem”, explaining how cities and public administrators can become more energy efficient in their ICT.
The webinar will have 2 other speakers, both experts on “green IT”. Fredrik Erickson, from ICT Strategy Officer for the City of Linköping, will explain which regulations and policies Linköping adopted to promote greener meeting and less travelling.
The second speaker Jaak Vlasveld, Director of Green IT Amsterdam, will showcase a case study on power management and other tools that support the adoption of green IT practices. Jaak Vlasveld is a member of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu External Advisory Group, composed by international expert opinion leaders passionate about IT resource efficiency and green ICT, giving support to ICTFOOTPRINT.eu. Plus, Jaak was a speaker of ICFOOTPRINT.eu webinar on “Tools and Services on Energy Management”