Start now and download your report, for free
What is SAT-S?
SAT-S is a free and simplified Self-Assessment Tool for ICT Services. SAT-S allows you to estimate the carbon and energy footprint of web-based digital services, such as the ones involving end-user devices and transmission networks to data centers.
Who should use SAT-S?
ICT private and public organisations (Large, Small & Medium Enterprises) and Public Administrators, that want to better understand the carbon footprint of their ICT services.
Why should I use SAT-S?
To get a personalised report, with a light reading style, that shows the approximate climate change and primary energy footprint of the ICT service you assessed over one year. The report also suggests actions to improve your ICT environmental impact.
How long does it take to use SAT-S?
In only 5 minutes, you will get a personalised report and useful insights about your ICT service.
What kind of services can I assess?
Standard Web browsing, Music and Video Streaming, Video conferencing, Webinars and other types of ICT Services.
How can I use SAT-S?
- STEP 1 – Start your SAT-S by clicking here: http://sat-s.ictfootprint.eu/Pages/Home.aspx
- STEP 2 – Share with us some light info about your organisation, so we can better understand your profile
- STEP 3 – Choose the ICT service you want to assess and describe the usage within your organisation.
- STEP 4 – Download your take-away. Read your Customised Report. Understand the primary energy consumption and climate impact of using the service you selected, for one year.
- STEP 5 – Take actions to reduce your environmental impact.
Start now and download your report, for free
The SAT-S in a nutshell:
The Self-Assessment Tool for ICT Services (SAT-S) is a simplified calculator that allows you to estimate the carbon and energy footprint of web-based digital services (e.g. web-based services involving end user devices, transmission networks and datacentres).
The main objective is to raise awareness on the potential impacts and main environmental hotspots of digital services. The SAT-S is also a practical introduction to quantitative environmental evaluation methods (in general and applicable to ICT services).
When using the SAT-S, you will gain a practical insight of:
- What stages may significantly influence the energy and carbon footprint of the ICT service you are assessing, in particular the ones that are not controlled by the service provider/user;
- The potential difference in results between primary energy footprint and carbon footprint: even if the two indicators are often highly correlated, in some cases, the results can be decoupled;
- A comparison of environmental impacts of two services providing the exact same function (e.g. a “standard’ service and an ecodesigned version of the service).
Please notice that SAT-S does not aim to:
- Conduct a robust and exhaustive environmental assessment of an ICT service. The results are not strictly compliant with one existing standard and cannot be used for eco-design or external communication purposes; rather SAT-S leverages on several calculation methodologies in order to allow a quick assessment for the unexperienced user.
- Make any comparison between services with a distinct function (e.g. two similar services provided by distinct companies); rather SAT-S aims to increase awareness on best practices in the ICT services field in order to increase European excellence in energy efficiency in ICT
Finally, the SAT-S will provide you with a personalised report that shows the approximate climate change and primary energy footprint of the ICT service you wanted to assess over one year and the rough positioning of your performances with respect to other users and common life situations.
Currently the calculation excludes additional storage such as that used for e-mail services