The 3rd year of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu goes from 1st February 2018 through to project end 31st January 2019.
This deliverable describes in detail the main communication and outreach activities during the last 12 months of the project. The most important objective for this period was to promote the results to the stakeholders and recruit users for each result. Having this in mind, the project performed a coordinated communication strategy, implemented through multiple channels: presence at 3rd party events, organisation of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu series of events, webinars, establishment of synergies with multipliers, newsletters, social media, amongst others.
This third year will be known as well by the year when SAT-O and the Light Certification Scheme were made available to the community. Moreover, during the last months, the consortium prepared a Recommendations, Policy Action Plan & Sustainability Report, a document that could support policy makers in Europe in implementing actions that envisage the development of Green IT across Europe. The content available in the report considered the feedback collected not only at ICTFOOTPRINT.eu workshops, but also at 3rd party events, where the project had the opportunity to exchange ideas with several individuals from distinct fields.
The document is divided into specific sections, listing the results achieved during the third year of the project:
- Section 1: brief description of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu final catalogue of services;
- Section 2: brief description of how each ICTFOOTPRINT.eu service match each stakeholder’s needs;
- Section 3: summary of the goals, action and communication on planned and achieved objectives during the year;
- Section 4 & 5: detailed info how the project generated interest from stakeholders, to each ICTFOOTPRINT.eu service, by using the communication and outreach activities.
- Section 6: describes general outreach activities, to maximise info dissemination amongst project’s stakeholders.