ICTFOOTPRINT.eu, as a Framework Initiative for Energy & Environmental Efficiency in the ICT Sector, aims at being the leading support project in Europe for the carbon footprint and energy consumption in the ICT sector. The calculation methodologies that the project will deliver are oriented primarily to ICT industry sector, covering ICT intensive SMEs and ICT suppliers, together with public administration and SDOs.
The purpose of this document is to outline stakeholder groups and targeted engagement activities. The Plan will also tailor messaging that meets specific information needs as crucial for effective outreach and adoption of the tools and services, according to each stakeholder needs.
The document is divided in each stakeholder category, with descriptions of the main challenges each one is facing regarding energy efficiency in ICT.
- Section 1: introduction of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu, describing the project challenges, goals and strategy to overcome the identified problems in European ICT energy efficiency.
- Section 2: description of each stakeholder category, where are listed their problems regarding adoption of energy efficiency and low carbon footprint procedures, followed by ICTFOOTPRINT.eu value proposition for each one.
- Section 3: description of how ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will reach each stakeholder through several communication tools, channels and messages.
- Section 4: description of community database importance regarding the project.
- Section 5: list of all project partners networks, which will help to spread the word about ICTFOOTPRINT.eu to relevant audiences.
- Section 6: description all the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu’s synergies related to relevant entities and organisation and previous or on-going EU projects developed on the same path.
- Section 7: list of External Advisory Group members, explaining their background and how thy will add value to the project.
- Section 8: Summary of overall actions which be taken in to practice in order to engage with ICTFOOTPRINT.eu stakeholders.
- Section 9: conclusions with some last key information regarding the information listed in the previous chapters.
- Section 10: Annexes which will add more information about engagement actions regarding Stakeholders.