EDI-Net (Energy Data Innovation Network) - Reduce consumption and save money
The EDI-Net (Energy Data Innovation Network) initiative analyses and communicates sub-hourly electricity, gas and water meter data to identify waste and savings opportunities, reduce consumption and save money. The initiative is aimed at public authorities’ decision makers, energy managers and building users.
A data analysis platform is providing a real-time overview of current consumption data in public buildings. The so-called dashboard is suitable for both beginners and professional users. The use of smileys helps building users immediately understand where energy, water or gas consumption is particularly high while detailed data sets help professionals improve the municipal energy controlling. The aim is to support public authorities with intelligent energy and water meter data so that they can act quickly and decisively.
Schools in Leicester, UK have been using the EDI-net approach as a way of understanding and monitoring their energy use in a quick and easy format. The smiley faces have been an outstanding way to engage the whole school community (even including the 3 year olds!). The schools have become very competitive to appear in the top 10 of the league tables which has meant lots of positive behaviour change taking place. Many of these schools are working towards their Eco-Schools Green Flag Award and the EDI-net dashboard has been a really useful tool for the monitoring and evaluating step for their energy topic. The tools have also been used in their communication by putting their smiley faces and data on their newsletters, noticeboards and social media accounts.
Are you interested to learn more? Visit our EDI-Net website, sign up to our EDI-Net newsletter or write an email to info@edi-net.eu.