IEC TR 62921:2016 : Quantification methodology for greenhouse gas emissions for computers and monitors |
Name of Initiative/Methodology |
Quantification methodology for greenhouse gas emissions for computers and monitors
Link to the latest published version |
IEC TR 62921 (10/2016): Version 2.0 https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/25994
Developed by
International Electrotechnical Commissions (IEC), Technical Committee 111: Environmental Standardisation for Electrical and Electronic Products and Systems |
History and Status |
- Work started in 2011 and first publication in 2015
- Updated version published in October 2016
Involved companies / parties |
Scope |
Organisation env. accounting
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
Product env. assessment
Life cycle approach
Use phase only
Energy (focus on secondary energy)
Other environmental impacts
System(s) covered by the methodology |
- Computers and monitors (incl. notebook, desktop, LCD monitor, etc.)
Goals |
- Providing supporting data for identification of a life cycle stage, subassembly or process that have significant GHG emissions (hot spot)
- Assessing carbon footprint of computers and monitors
- Prioritising reduction efforts across the product life cycle
- Creating a basis for quantifying and reporting CFP performance over time.
Generic features |
- Targeted data collection is performed based on an analysis of the biggest contributors to impacts and to results’ uncertainty. This analysis may also be used to determine the appropriate cut-off criteria.
- Allocation should be avoided; if proven necessary, several methods can be used and are detailed in the document.
- Uncertainty analysis and sensitivity analysis are to be performed
- First party verification is recommended for communication
- An informative list of life cycle database (public database) is provided in Annex C.
ICT-specific features |
- Primary data or aggregated primary data should be used for LCDs, PWBs and ICs. Secondary data should be used for all other data needs.
- When assessing GHG emissions of EE products, the following should be considered:
- The organisation should use primary data from its suppliers
- All packaging materials should be considered.
- Distribution stage should include transportation processes
- The use phase should be estimated under realistic conditions of use (i.e. use profile based on actual usage patterns, power consumption of the different modes, etc.)
- End of life should cover impacts generated from transport to the recycling facility, recycling or landfilling of the materials
- Maintenance, refurbishment and second use are excluded.
- Communication may not necessarily detail results for each life cycle stage.
- Recommended sources for product energy consumption are provided in Annex.
Examples of implementation / experience feedback |
None identified
Interaction with other methodologies |
- [IEC TR 62725] Analysis of quantification methodologies of greenhouse gas emissions for electrical and electronic products and systems
- [IEC 62430] Environmentally conscious design for electrical and electronic products
- [IEC 62474] Material declaration for products of and for the electrotechnical industry
- [IEC 62623] Desktop and notebook computers - Measurement of energy consumption
- [IEC TR 62635] Guidelines for end-of-life information provided by manufacturers and recyclers and for recyclability rate calculation of electrical and electronic equipment
- [ISO 14040] Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework
- [ISO 14044] Environmental management - Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines
- [ISO 14064-1] Greenhouse gases - Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals
- [ISO/TS 14067] Greenhouse gases -- Carbon footprint of products -- Requirements and guidelines for quantification and communication
- [GHG Protocol] Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard
- [ETSI TS 103 199] Environmental Engineering (EE); Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of ICT equipment, networks and services; General methodology and common requirements
- [ITU-T L.1410] Methodology for environmental life cycle assessments of information and communication technology goods, networks and services