GPP for Data Centres
Green Public Procurement (GPP) for Data Centres aims to develop criteria for EU Green Public Procurement for data centres. The EU GPP criteria will be based on a life-cycle approach and a scientific evidence base, and will provide clear and ambitious environmental information. Two categories of GPP criteria will be proposed:
- Core criteria will be suitable for any contracting authority across the MS and address the key environmental impacts;
- Comprehensive criteria will be developed for those who wish to purchase the best environmental products available on the market.
The development of criteria will be completed by awareness raising through the GPP website of the European Commission, an helpdesk and a newsletter.
- Website: http://susproc.jrc.ec.europa.eu/Data_Centres/index.html
- Email: Oliver.WOLF@ec.europa.eu
- Ownership: JRC 's Directorate B - Growth and Innovation