EDF - France
EDF owns several data centres, among which NOE data centre, located in Val de Reuil, and one its biggest data centres. In 2016, the NOE data centre was certified ISO 50001, along with all data centres of EDF.
In addition, EDF committed to dividing by 2 by 2018 the energy consumption of its data centres located in the Eure department (among which NOE), in comparison to the 2011 period.

Through the sophistication of its equipment, EDF managed to reach a 25% reduction of its electric consumption for the NOE data centre in Val de Rueil. This corresponds to an economy of 17,400 MWh (equivalent to 1,500 tonnes of CO2). Energy sagings in 2018 are expected to double.
EDF data centres use innovative technology, and are state of the art in terms of energy performances. All major energy consumers are being reviewed, in order to reduce as much as possible the Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), currently at 1.74 for NOE data centre. In particular, the installations are based on:
- Use of the latest technologies jointly developed with start-ups: wireless sensors, LED lighting etc.
- Cloud computing solution to mutualize the server capacities
- Outdoor air caption to supply the cooling system
The utilities management was outsourced to Dalkia, now in charge of the system for cooling and power, among others.
The next step currently under study for the NOE data centre is the reuse of hot water outgoing from the cooling system, e.g. by piping it to nearby greenhouses owned by a cosmetic manufacturer.