If you are looking for green ICT solutions, you just need to visit ICTFOOTPRINT.eu Online Marketplace!
Relevant ICT players are starting to join the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu online marketplace of sustainable solutions, showcasing their solutions to the community of buyers in search for “green” solutions.
For instance, companies who have just joined the marketplace in the software category, are:
- Wi6Labs: a French company providing building management systems for cities and public administrations to save energy, thanks to their particular monitoring and managing techniques. Find out more about Wi6Labs
- GREENSPECTOR: with its eco-saving solutions for developers, GREENSPECTOR is a powerful software that helps to make savings on many aspects of ICT. Find out more about GREENSPECTOR
Other key companies who have joined our marketplace in different categories are Verne Global, an international organisation providing scalable, flexible and highly optimised data center infrastructure solutions; Carbon3IT, a green IT consultancy company that provides different solutions for businesses to become sustainable; and Circular Computing who offers unique enterprise-performance computers with a particularly low impact in terms of carbon footprint.
Discover these and the other new suppliers directly on our Marketplace!