Valérie Schneider Conseil - France
This project describes various GreenIT Educational Activities in several French Engineering Schools : ISEP, EPITA, ECE and ESAIP.
The objective is to increase students’ awareness regarding Green ICT technologies figures and their environmental and social impact.

In 2017, more than 350 students attended to the modules :
- ISEP: 110 students.
- EPITA: 100 students.
- ECE: 120 students.
- ESAIP / ESSCA: 5 students.
- ECETECH: 40 students.
Valerie Schneider has delivered GreenIT training modules in French and English to students in first, second and third year of Engineering School. The duration of the GreenIT module varies from 3 to 12 hours.
The GreenIT topic This project describes various GreenIT Educational Activities in several French Engineering Schools : ISEP, EPITA, ECE and ESAIP.
The objective is to increase students’ awareness regarding Green ICT technologies figures and their environmental and social impact.
is put into perspective with Sustainable Development challenges, UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Corporate Social Responsibility.
With an additional expertise in Circular Economy, a focus is made on which good practices can be implemented to better close the loop, from resources extraction to product end-of-life; also called Circular IT.
These modules are the basis for additional training modules targeting organizations in 2018. Short workshops of 1.5 hours are regularly organized to make companies aware of the GreenIT topic.