SMEs & High Qualified International Experts come together to improve energy efficiency in ICT sector
European ICT SMEs and global ICT industry experts gather at Brussels workshop to chart a common course of action on carbon footprint methodologies and metric to improve energy efficiency.
Information and communication technologies account for 8-10% of the European Union’s electricity consumption and up to 4% of its carbon emissions.
With a wise energy and environmental efficiency strategy, savings of up to 15% of global emissions can be made by 2020, especially in sectors like transport, energy, industry and buildings, which are particularly important for the European economy.
It is therefore surprising that nearly 70% of 150 IT decision makers in the UK, France and Germany do not have a system in place to measure environmental impact, according to findings by Datacenter Converge Europe 2015. Measurement systems are the very first step to tackling energy efficiency.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu (www.ictfootprint.eu) sets out to change this state of affairs. Funded by the European Commission’s H2020 programme, ICTFOOTPRINT will make organisations and especially EU SMEs life easier by helping them understand how to become more ICT energy efficient to ultimately reduce their ICT carbon footprint.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu is hosting a meeting in Brussels on 18 May entitled: “End-user requirements gathering & validation”, at the European Commission premises in Avenue Beaulieu in Brussels, starting at 10:30 and finishing at 16:00 to help SMEs implement new methodologies for energy efficiency.
The meeting, which gives some initial take-away services on what is needed in the marketplace, brings together SMEs from the ICT sector with an international group of experts from the ICT industry, policy, regulatory, standards and academic fields who are part of the project’s External Advisory Group (EAG).
“This meeting will be the first step of pooling together visionary knowledge teamwork addressing the energy efficiency challenge as a top priority that ICTFOOTPRINT.eu is pushing forward. We hope to take-away some concrete step on choosing the right ICT methodologies for very EU private sector’s needs”, Silvana Muscella, CEO of Trust-IT Services and ICTFOOTPRINT.eu project coordinator
We want to invite any any European SME to come to the meeting, free of charge, with a need to improve its energy efficiency.
To attend, please send an email to contact@ictfootprint.eu before 6 May.
The Agenda
Key benefits for you attending include
Gaining new knowledge on ICT energy efficiency, free consultancy on adopting the right methodologies and reduce carbon footprint, EU-wide visibility and with the European Commission, free updated information on how to maximise costs savings through ICT-related spending and promotion on international events and social media platforms.
See our post inviting SME to join the meeting LINK