European Cities learn how can deliver energy efficiency with

European Cities learn how can deliver energy efficiency with

Posted by r.meneses

How can cities improve their energy efficiency with ICT?  This was the key question addressed during the “Sustainable Energy Week” event, in Brussels (Belgium) on 16th June. joined  public authorities, energy agencies, industry associations, businesses, civil society organisations and the media looking for new ideas to make  cities both efficient and sustainable through digital transformation.

Cities as enablers of energy efficiency in ICT

Some European cities estimate savings of over 500.000 euro per year with power management enabling 20% energy savings. There is no doubt that cities have a key role to play in leading energy efficiency in the European ICT sector. But how can we facilitate them?

To help drive leadership, the Green Digital Charter from EUROCITIES  hosted the session on “ICT applications in cities: delivering the energy union objectives“ showing cities how tools and activities can help them to improve their energy efficiency.

The workshop therefore marked an important step in demonstrating the added value of in supporting a large of European cities, projects and associations interested in tackling the challenge of becoming more sustainable. This large audience of stakeholders can now start planning the actions they need to take as potential co-operators of will provide several tools which meeting the needs of cities, from both “Public Administration” and “Cities ICT consumers” perspectives, so they can reap the benefits of becoming energy efficient.

“Public Administration” as energy efficiency ambassadors

“Public Administration” can showcase green procurement procedures & policies to their local ICT businesses and give them competitive advantages, by offering incentives for green initiatives. Furthermore, Cities will have the opportunity to support the Policy Action Plan Strategy on energy efficiency.

“Cities ICT consumers” as energy efficiency ambassadors

As “Cities ICT Consumers”, cities will benefit from measuring their carbon footprint on self-assessment tool and find ICT “green solution providers which will help them to increase energy efficiency in the online marketplace. A multilingual online helpdesk will be available to provide support on energy efficiency as well and webinars to facilitate the adoption of a common framework driven by (the first one will take place on 12th July). Last but not least, cities will be able to consult Success Stories from other city stakeholders that have successfully increased their energy efficiency levels and to showcase their own success stories to the broad and always growing community.

Cities to join aims to support all European ICT players, namely cities, to help their local communities to increase their competitiveness through energy efficiency and low levels of carbon footprint.

Cities can pre-register to services ( to start benefiting from them as soon as they become available.

Participant affiliations

Bristol City Council, City of Linköping, City of Rijeka, CITyFiED, CITYkeys, Czech Technical University, Decumanus, DG CONNECT, Eco Fellows, Emasesa, EUROCITIES, European Commission, European Energy Award, European Network of Living Labs, GOPACom, Green IT Amsterdam, GREENSPECTOR, My Smart City District, Nantes Metropole, North Sweden European Office, Riga City Council, Småland-Blekinges South Sweden, Smart Cities Information System, SOLA Bristol, SUMY, Tecnalia, Toulouse Metropole, University of the West of England, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland  

Check the Powerpoint Presentation used to explain how cities can benefit from

See photos from the event

2016-06-16 “Sustainable Energy Week" event


More about

- Pre- register to services

- Read the article from Green Digital Charter to know more about what happened during their workshop.

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