ECO2Clouds is an initiative supported by the FP7 Program of the European Commission. The project aims at taking into consideration ecological concerns such as energy consumption and carbon footprint while developing cloud infrastructures or cloud-based applications. The overall goal of the project is to advance scientific knowledge and technical artifacts, in order to couple the functional and economic advantages of cloud computing with measures aiming at a more careful dealing with the environment. Various methods and guidelines were developed to promote an innovative approach to cloud computing service, through:
- Mechanisms to collect eco-metrics data and quantify the environmental impact of operations at infrastructure and application level;
- A comprehensive approach to multi-cloud application deployment;
- Evaluation mechanisms and optimization algorithms.
The project published scientific publications on ECO2Clouds, energy efficiency, and environmental impact. The project also published good practices for Cloud Computing Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions Optimisations, which are available for download.
- Website: http://eco2clouds.eu/eco2clouds.eu/index.html
- Email: eco2clouds@elet.polimi.it
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ECO2Clouds
- Ownership: ECO2Clouds Consortium (ATOS, INUMAN, UEDIN, POLIMI, INRIA, HLRS)