SMARTGREENS 2017 – 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, will take place between 22th and 24th April, in Porto (Portugal) at Holiday Inn Porto Gaia Hotel.
The event focuses on Smart Cities, Green Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), as well as Sustainability, Energy Aware Systems and Technologies. SMARTGREENS will gather together researchers, designers, developers and practitioners interested in the advances and applications in the field of Smart Cities, Green Information and Communication Technologies.
SMARTGREENS will have workshops, special sessions, tutorials and demos showing the situation of this field, including, on 22nd April, the presentation of relevant European projects which will be gathered together at the “European Project Space”.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu was selected by SMARTGREENS as a EU project with a relevant role on sustainability in ICT sector.
As a SMARTGREENS Academic Partner, ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will give “green insights” during a 20 minute presentation, explaining how ICTFOOTPRINT.eu services help cities and public administrators reducing their ICT carbon footprint, by making informed decisions on how to make their ICT services sustainable and energy efficient. Furthermore, Rebecca Portail, Project Support Officer from EUROCITIES (partner of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu consortium) will showcase success stories of cities which became more sustainable in their ICT, and will highlight also public procurement favouring green IT procedures.
During the event, ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will have also an exhibition booth, where SMARTGREENS attendees can get more detailed information about ICTFOOTPRINT.eu services. Additionally, visitors will have the opportunity to try ICTFOOTPRINT.eu tools, such as the Self-Assessment Tool for ICT Services, known as SAT-S (a useful, free, quick and easy-to-use tool to calculate the carbon footprint of ICT services) and the Marketplace (the online meeting point to find ICT sustainable suppliers & showcase green services towards sustainability in ICT).
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu is open to establish new partnerships and synergies regarding knowledge and technology sharing, which will contribute to better inform European citizens on how they can become more sustainable in their ICT (see here list of synergies established so far).