Network Energy St.Gallen - Switzerland

Network Energy St.Gallen - Switzerland

Claim To Fame: 

The goals and objectives of Green IT are still not known very well in Switzerland. However, there are several initiatives from the Government, professional associations and companies.
The Green IT Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to enlarge their reach within Switzerland. Therefore, a focus group was launched to get in touch with the various stakeholders, their aims and initiatives.

Government/Public Services
Organisation Type: 
Government/Public Services
Canton St. Gallen
Main benefits & Achieved Results : 

The focus group developed the following results:
- A description of nine main topics and four core topics rated and prioritized by the participating industrial sectors.
- A description of “why-how-what” as a basis to formulate the co-working model.
- A draft co-working model (agreement).
- Individual action points within the organisation.
- The identification of the next important step which will focus on the interaction and interdependence between the corporate sourcing practice, the IT consultants and IT integrators, the suppliers and manufacturers.

Presentation of the initiative: 

The Canton St.Gallen funded 100% of the work of the focus group “Green in & by IT”. The group met four times for four hours from January to April 2018:
- To identify the individual needs, topics and questions.
- To get a picture how the current Green IT initiatives fit together.
- To explore the upcoming needs for action.
- And to phrase a co-working model in terms of an agreement.

The Group members were:
City of St.Gallen, Swiss Re, Credit Suisse, Swiss Post, Swiss Post Solutions, Raiffeisen Schweiz, Microsoft Schweiz, Federal Office of Energy, Smart City Association, Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), Universities of St. Gallen and Lucerne, Amstein+Walthert, at rete, 7pro solution, Prime Computer, pom+, swisscleantech, GreenITplus and Green IT SIG.

Commitments for the future & other relevant information: 

- To finalize the co-working agreement and to enlarge the member structure of Green IT SIG.
- To ask for an extension of the funding programme of the Canton of St.Gallen.
- To get in touch with main players of the ”sourcing system”.

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