The idea of WeForest came to Bill Liao in 2008 out of a thorough search for scientific evidence : Bill wanted to find a simple solution to the urgent issue of global warming. Marie-Noëlle Keijzer met Bill in 2009 and they decided to transform this idea into an NGO. WeForest has overtime developed a unique capacity to mobilize companies (ranging from start ups to large multinationals) to engage their employees and millions of consumers in restoring the world’s forests.
WeForest's mission
Building upon corporate and scientific partnerships, WeForest empowers communities to sustainably advance and implement innovative, high standard, scalable and lasting solutions to restore forest landscapes.
WeForest's goal
To successfully transform 250,000 ha of forest landscape by 2021, restoring 25,000 ha of forests (with an estimate of 25 million trees) demonstrating FLR best practices in different ecosystems and leading to the adoption of an international standard.