Life Cycle Assessment of Data centres and Data centre hardware products

In line with ISO 14040 and ISO 14044, as well as the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) guide of the European Commission, the ILCD Handbook and the Green Grid's guide on LCA of Data centres, we offer our expert support of close to 20 years professional LCA domain experience, combined with DC specific experience based on our work in the EURECA project and in support contracts for DG CONNECT. As our small expert team has in person coordinated the amed ILCD Handbook and authored the original PEF guide of the European Commission when working at the Commission services until 2012, we have relevant in-depths experience and can very efficiently implement related projects.

In context of offers to public or private procurement tenders (or own developments) to provide advanced environmental performance.

Benefit for Customer: 
Support in overall environmental and energetic optimization along the prodicts entire life cycle - advanced offering compared to the market.

Target Sector: 
Data centre build, data centre hardware suppliers

Depending on the specific project, workload and timing.

Category Product: 


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