The 4th ICTFOOTPRINT free webinar has crucial information on ICT Calculation tools and Sustainable ICT insights on energy savings, on 23rd February 2017, 15:00 CET. All those who want to improve ICT energy efficiency in their business are welcome to join us in this exciting webinar.
ICTFOOTPRINT holded a free webinar about ICT Standards for Data Centres and ICT Sustainability on 20th December 2016, 15:00 CET, open to all those with an interest in becoming more sustainable in their ICT.
Data Centre World Paris is the biggest gathering of Data experts ever organised in France, after very successful events organised in London, Frankfurt, Singapore and Hong Kong. It took place between 29th and 30th November, in Paris, at Porte de Versailles Exhibition Centre.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu was invited to be a speaker on “Green ICT” webinar, taking place on 7th November 2016 at 11:00 am CET and organised by Green Digital Charter, a network of committing cities to working together to deliver on the EU climate objectives through the use of ICT. Silvana Muscella, Coordinator of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu, will make a presentation on “Services within the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu ecosystem”, explaining how cities and public administrators can become more energy efficient in their ICT.”
A free webinar with crucial information about tools to all those who want to improve ICT energy efficiency in their business.
The joint meeting of “Knowledge Society and Mobility Forums” took place on 17-19 October, in Tampere, Finland, aiming to update the audience on the latest EU policy developments, related to knowledge society themes.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu was presented to green ICT and smart city experts at half-day Green Digital Charter workshop organised by EUROCITIES, during the "Sustainable Energy Week" - the most important European Policy Conference dedicated to sustainable energy policy issues. Sessions organised by the European Commission and energy stakeholders debate new policy developments, best practices and sustainable energy ideas, while networking events forge alliances.
Nikolaos Kontinakis explained how Cities, as Public Administrators and ICT consumers, can benefit from ICTOOTPRINT.eu.
"End-user’s requirements gathering & validation" gave some initial take-away services on what is needed in the ICT marketplace to tackle energy efficiency and reduce carbon footprint in ICT sector.
The meeting brought together SMEs from the ICT sector with an international group of experts from the ICT industry, policy, regulatory, standards and academic fields who are part of the project’s External Advisory Group (EAG)
This is the first ICTFOOTPRINT.eu's webinar. It explains how ICTFOOTPRINT.eu services work and the principal benefits for small & medium organisations to engage with low carbon footprint solutions.
Download the content discussed during the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu first Webinar or click here to go to the webinar page.