We are a small, specializsed SME, offering life cycle method related expert services at the interface between industry and policy and particularly in the context of the European Commission’s Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and it’s International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook and ILCD / LCDN Data Network, which we have helped to shape as Commission staff from 2005 to 2012. Through our work since 2013 for the European Commission's DG Connect on data centre related environmental topics (LCA, environmental footprint, enabling effct, ...), as official reviewer of the UPS and HDD ("IT") pilot projects under the Commission's PEF initiative, and as partner in the still ongoing EURECA Data Centre project, we have acquired unique data centre related knowledge&experience in view of carbon footprinting and wider environmental footprinting.
Drawing on our experience of over 15 years working experience in Life Cycle Assessment and related areas in consulting (maki, PE Europe/thinkstep), government (European Commission), and research (University of Stuttgart), we offer our solution-oriented services with the promise of quality, reliability, and customer-orientation.
Areas of expertise:
Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Product Environmental Footprinting (PEF), Carbon Footprinting (CF), Resource-efficiency studies and indicators, Water Footprinting, Sustainability Assessment