Calculation Tools & ICT Insights on energy saving – Free webinar on how to decrease ICT energy consumption
ICTFOOTPRINT.u organises a webinar on 23 February, 15:00 CET to help you make your ICT energy efficient with new calculation tools & ICT insights on energy savings from Industry experts on sustainable energy.
Visit our growing ICTFOOTPRINT.eu Marketplace - A spotlight on ecoinvent, GreenGoWeb and CircularComputing
<p class="rtejustify">ICTFOOTPRINT.eu is a lively marketplace where sellers showcase their sustainable ICT solutions and meet with potential buyers. Get to know Ecoinvent, Circular Computing and GreenGoWeb.</p>
Is It Worth It? - Save Energy at Work
We had a question submitted to us recently about our asking staff to turn off monitors not only when you leave work, but also when you are only leaving your desk for a few minutes. Monitors these days are pretty energy efficient, so how much difference does it really make, and is it worth all the effort we’ve put into going on about it all the time? Well, we did the maths and we’ve come to the following conclusion
Server Survey: Footprint Can Be Cut 54% Via Upgrades, Cloud
TSO Logic examined data from 10,000 customer servers and found how much upgrades can save in server count; right-sizing saves VM resources.
Google uses DeepMind AI to cut data center energy bills
The amount of energy consumed by big data centers has always been a headache for tech companies. Keeping the servers cool as they crunch numbers is such a challenge that Facebook even built one of its facilities on the edge of the Arctic Circle. Well, Google has a different solution to this problem: putting its DeepMind artificial intelligence unit in charge and using AI to manage power usage in parts of its data centers. The results of this experiment?
2017: Make Time for a Carbon Neutral Cloud
A positive effect of cloud computing on the environment is achieved by servers’ usage optimisation. When moving from local servers to cloud hosted ones, the average server utilization rate is increased from around 15% to approximately between 65% and 75% and up to over 80% for modern large-scale cloud providers. Using fewer servers & therefore less energy, organisations lower their bills and reduce their environmental impact.
ICT players learn ICT Standards & Industry Insights towards low carbon footprint
On 20th November, ICT players attended the 3rd ICTFOOTPRINT.eu webinar, getting to know several Standard methodologies and other insights towards a low ICT corporate footprint.
ICT at the forefront in the fight against climate change
As global climate change is threatening the future of Planet Earth, scientists, researchers, industry and humanity as a whole are called to join forces in what is probably the toughest challenge ever. A drastic change of perspectives is needed: it is now evident that technological -but also behavioural, economic and political innovation is the one and only key to guarantee a sustainable future for the coming generations.
If you are looking for green ICT solutions, you just need to visit ICTFOOTPRINT.eu Online Marketplace!
Relevant ICT players are starting to join the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu online marketplace of sustainable solutions, showcasing their solutions to the community of buyers in search for “green” solutions.
For instance, companies who have just joined the marketplace in the software category, are:
Data Managers at Data Centre World got to know ICTFOOTPRINT.eu
Data Centre World took place on 29th and 30th November, in Paris (France), gathering together a qualified audience from the data management sector interested in products and solutions to satisfy their needs for energy efficiency, power, cooling, among other things. ICTFOOTPRINT.eu contributed to the event with a 30min speaking session to present how ICT organisations, from different disciplines interested in energy efficiency and data centres of the future, can reduce their ICT & environmental carbon footprint.