Solutions for Energy Management & Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in ICT field
The 5th ICTFOOTPRINT.eu webinar gave insights into different solutions for energy management and LCA and how to manage the energy consumed by ICT.
Smart Cities in hands with ICT sustainability: ICTFOOTPRINT.eu at SMARTGREENS
Last week ICTFOOTPRINT.eu attended SMARTGREENS 2017, in Porto, Portugal, a conference that brought together researchers, designers, developers and practitioners interested in the advances and applications in Smart Cities, Green Information and Communication Technologies, Sustainability, Energy Aware Systems and Technologies.
Want to become sustainable in ICT? Find suppliers & submit your request in ICTFOOTPRINT.eu marketplace
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu marketplace is a business space where organisations interested in becoming more sustainable in ICT, so called buyers, can find support on making their business more energy efficient and sustainable in their ICT. The marketplace has a number of reliable and certified ICT solution providers, known as “sellers”, whose ICT products & services help organisations becoming more energy efficient in their ICT.
Solutions for Energy Management & Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in ICT field – Free webinar towards efficient ICT energy management.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is becoming ever more wide-spread and present in our daily life, with consequently higher demands in terms of energy consumption. This has a tremendous impact both on the environment and on energy costs and ultimately, affects the overall competitivity of organisations.
SCAVENGE - Sustainable 5G Mobile Networks
SCAVENGE is a project funded by the European Union in the framework of the H2020 Marie Skłodowska Curie Action - Innovative Training Networks – European Training Networks. SCAVENGE tackles sustainable design, protocols, architectures and algorithms for next generation 5G cellular networks. The approach is based on the premise that environmental energy can be scavenged through dedicated harvesting hardware, in order to power mobile system elements like base stations, mobile terminals, sensors and machines
The advent of 5G must coincide with an even stronger focus on sustainability to avoid escalation in ICT carbon footprint
Whilst 5G is set to bring a range of benefits to business consumers, it will also increase the capacity to create and transfer more data than ever, and without a more significant move to sustainable practise there will be a large increase in the carbon footprint of data centres across the world.
Visit our growing ICTFOOTPRINT.eu Marketplace - A spotlight on Network DNA, Enervalis, Green Digital Charter, maki Consulting and The Planet Mark
Interested in ICT sustainability? Stop at ICTFOOTPRINT.eu the unique one-stop-shop for finding all the clear, accessible information you need for reducing your ICT environmental impact and improving your ICT energy efficiency. ICTFOOTPRINT.eu is also a lively marketplace where sellers showcase their sustainable ICT solutions and meet with potential buyers.
Setting objectives for a greener planet: ICTFOOTPRINT.eu at World Sustainable Energy Days
Last week ICTFOOTPRINT.eu attended and presented its poster at the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED17) in Wels, Austria – one of Europe’s largest conferences on energy efficiency and renewable energy. Around 700 exponents from a variety of countries and domains attended a vibrant and varied discussion concerning different aspects of energy efficiency and sustainability.
ICT community discover tools and gain insight into consumer behaviour towards sustainable ICT
The 4th ICTFOOTPRINT.eu webinar gave insights into how to make ICT energy efficient with new calculation tools & insights into energy savings from Industry experts on Sustainable Energy.
Submit your SUCCESS STORY in Sustainable ICT & Gain Visibility of a Wide International Community
The IT energy crisis is upon us. ICT accounts for 8-10% of the European Union’s electricity consumption and up to 4% of its carbon emissions! By becoming energy efficient, the ICT sector could save up to 600 billion EURO by decreasing just 15% of its emissions in 2020, according to a report from The Climate Group.