Green Policies, Green Labels and Virtualization Efficiency - ICTFOOTPRINT.eu 10th webinar
Today businesses around the world are realizing that policies aimed at addressing environmental concerns can achieve so much more than just reducing carbon footprint. Indeed, by being environment friendly, companies can save money at the same time, thanks to a more efficient utilisation of technology. As an example of this, embracing virtualization efficiency has become extremely popular within the IT industry. This is largely due to the fact that it not only maintains or increases computing power and data centre performance but helps control costs and extend the value of existing data centre facilities at the same time.
However, it is crucial to launch other mechanisms to motivate and support organisations in adopting a Green-IT mind-set. Green Policies provide environmental parameters to reduce the carbon impact of business operations and promote sustainable development within the organization. Whilst making the environment greener, this also generates market growth and creates new jobs. On the other hand, there are the green labels, which can be developed by private entities, public agencies, or jointly by stakeholders and experts from the public and private sectors. These indicate that a product has respected a set of environmental or social standards and, consequently, is less damaging to the environment.
Green IT has become a hot topic in IT management research and practice over the past years due to the economic opportunities that this presents and the increasing pressure placed upon this by stakeholders. It is both a strategic and management issue, which is why it is also important that environmental issues are considered from an operational standpoint. Doing so will clarify the ways each player can reduce its environmental impact across the board.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu is organising a webinar on 27th September, 11:00 AM CEST to showcase how green policies, green labels and virtualization can have a positive impact in decreasing ICT energy consumption in SMEs
Who are the speakers?
Matthieu Clavier (Nantes City Lab Coordinator & formerly ICT Technical Architecture Officer at Nantes Métropole) will present a the proactive policy on energy transition launched by Nantes Métropole. This has been reflected in recent years in the establishment of a specific ICT roadmap for concrete actions to achieve energy savings of (hard and soft) IT tools.
Thierry Leboucq (Chairman at GREENSPECTOR), will present the Green Code Label, a label recently obtained by Nantes Métropole. His presentation will show the engagement of a "Green City”, involving private partners and IT labs.
Martin Dargent (CEO at EasyVirt), will demonstrate the importance of optimization of virtualised infrastructures. How do we reduce the use of resources while improving performance and decreasing cost?
The webinar is moderated by Silvana Muscella (Project Coordinator of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu and CEO of Trust-IT Services) who has a broad experience in stimulating topics in the ICT sector. In recent years, her drive has been in motivating her team to turn their expertise into developing useful ICT tools and services for smaller companies, alike Trust-IT, in the ICT sectors for energy efficiency, cloud procurement and cybersecurity, and providing online tools for making cloud computing easier, particularly for novices.
REGISTER NOW - The 1-hour webinar is free and open to all.
Why should you join the webinar?
- Learn more about Green Labels and Public Policies for your organisation;
- Start benefiting from the advantages of sustainable ICT and reduced energy costs;
- Join free of charge and in 1 hour you’ll have a focused and clear idea of how you can improve your energy efficiency in ICT.