Most of European organisations do not have any energy efficiency procedures in their business, accounting for high energy & carbon footprint – at high impacts on the final costs. The main reason for this is a general lack of knowledge - that’s why ICTFOOTPRINT.eu wants to provide to all European players practical & easy tools for improving the sustainable aspects of ICT in businesses – and increase their efficiency!
SMEs (55%) encounter difficulties when trying to set up resource efficiency actions, as well as particularly complex legal or administrative procedures (26%)
What are those difficulties for SMEs?
- Lack of specific knowledge/awareness/expertise about deploying environmental ICT methodologies and main benefits SMEs will get by implementing them.
- Difficulty in analysing the complexity of technical guidelines and administrative/legal procedures.
- Lack of time and resources to implement “green strategies”.
- Inexistence of intuitive and easy-to-use software tools to measure environmental footprint.
- Difficulty of having resources to make initial investments required by green procedures, along with a misleading idea of the amount of costs.
- Difficulty and confusion in selecting the most appropriate methodologies to be implemented.
- Reports about adoption methodologies are not linearly related to SMEs size.
- LCA and carbon footprint methodologies complexity and difficulty to be implemented.
- Difficulty and lack of quantified estimations of benefits related to GHG emissions measuring and reporting.
How ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will help them?
- Guidance and tools to calculate their energy and ICT carbon footprint using standards methodologies, which will provide them cost reductions and increase their competitiveness.
- Get recognised certification and reports of best practices and measures customised to their core business.
- Get support from the helpdesk.
- Access list of documents and best practices which helps them to understand the importance of adoption these methodologies.
- Access to a marketplace where they can access a database with offer services towards a green ICT.
- Showcase their relevant best-practices showcased based on reliable methods.
Do you want to be energy efficient?
Register to our services or directly ask for our support!
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