HP Carbon Footprint Calculators

HP Carbon Footprint Calculators

Using the free web-based HP Carbon Footprint Calculators, you can easily see how you can reduce the environmental impact—and costs—of computing and printing. It takes just a few clicks to estimate how applying power-saving technologies, upgrading to more efficient features, and consolidating devices can lower your energy use and carbon footprint. Choose a calculator below to begin an evaluation and find solutions that are good for business and good for the planet.  Conserve energy and paper, reduce impact and save money.

The web based HP Carbon Footprint Calculators helps estimate how applying power-saving technologies, upgrading to more efficient features, and consolidating devices can lower the energy use and carbon footprint. The ICT goods in the scope of the calculator are printers, desktops, notebooks, workstations, monitors, tablets developed by the company.

  • Printers: Optimize your printing environment to reduce energy, carbon, paper and costs.

  • Desktops, Notebooks, Workstations, Thin Clients, Monitors, Point-of-Sales and Tablets: Optimize your home and business environment to reduce energy, carbon and costs.


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