Duferco Energia S.p.A. is a company of the Duferco group operating in the Italian energy market. Created to manage the group’s investment in renewable energy plants, it subsequently focused on the commercialisation of electricity and gas for all market segments. Duferco Energia aims to become an all round market operator from production, to trading, to supply to the end user. The success of the Group to date is down to its dedication to Innovation, Efficiency and Sustainability in all of the areas in which it operates.
COMMpla is a Software Development, Communication & Digital Marketing Company based in Pisa, Italy, from where it serves its clients, internationally. COMMpla focuses on building multichannel, digital platforms and delivering online solutions and tools. COMMpla, since 2010, builds advanced, efficient & effective, responsive communication platforms and web apps, with a wide range of functionalities, which include eCommerce, CRM, web conferencing & newsletter tools, combined with dedicated communication and collaboration services. The COMMpla’s Team is currently involved, in several EC-funded Research & Innovation projects, with a focus on digital marketing and communication services and web presence in particular.
INNOTEC commercialises proprietary software solutions, based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (neural nets, Bayesian algorithms, fuzzy logic) to simulate and manage complex systems, also with distributed logic. INNOTEC’s personnel is specialised in design, development and maintenance of data management systems. Finally, INNOTEC delivers services in the area of direct marketing, event recruitment and web presence.