ADEME ICT Sector Guidance Factsheet

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ADEME – ICT Sectoral Guidance 
Name of Initiative/Methodology

Assessing GHG emissions - Sectoral Guidance for the ICT sector ("Réalisation d'un bilan des émissions de gaz à effet de serre - Guide sectoriel: Technologies Numériques, Information et Communication")

Link to the latest published version

ADEME – ICT Sectoral Guidance (01/2012)


Developed by

  • ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency)
  • CIGREF (association of large French companies dealing with ICT thematics)
History and Status
  • Published in January 2012
  • Some sections of the document may be updated: GHG emissions reductions best practices, emission factors and data sources (updated by inputs from the industry, experts, etc. in the database Base Carbone®, implemented by ADEME)
Involved companies / parties
  • Members of the steering group: ADEME , APCC, Atrium Data, CIGREF, CLER, CNRS, Demtech, Greenflex,, INRIA, La Poste, Meta IT, Orange, Sagemcom, Syntec Numérique, SFIB / HP, Zen'to

Organisation env. accounting

 Scope 1  
 Scope 2  
 Scope 3 (recommended)

Product env. assessment 

 Life cycle approach  

 Use phase only


 Energy (focus on secondary energy)

 Other environmental impacts


System(s) covered by the methodology
  • ICT activities in all types of organisations
  • State-of-the-art of how to include ICT activities in GHG reporting of organisations
  • Providing guidance on the definition of the organisation and operations boundaries
  • Presenting the assessment methods for GHG emissions and the data required
  • Providing recommendation on emission reduction actions (28 factsheets) for the establishment of an internal action plan, as part of a global strategy towards the optimisation of ICT technologies
Generic features
  • In addition to emissions included in scopes 1 and 2, the methodology recommends on accounting for emissions from scope 3. I.e. the activities accounted for should include all activities conducted within the organisation, as well as upstream activities (supply, logistics, etc.) and downstream activities (distribution network, etc.)
  • Emission factors and secondary data are provided for datacenters, user's working environment, human activities, logistics, network and telecommunication services, and outsourced services. Data requirements are also expressed.
  • Uncertainties are provided for all emissions factors and secondary data presented
  • No information provided on allocation rules
  • The results should be provided by activity/department (horizontal analysis) besides the analysis of the usual contributors (e.g. indirect emissions due to electricity use):
    • Workplace (buildings, energy required for the heating and cooling)
    • Production infrastructure (computer parks)
    • Waste and consumables
    • Human behaviour 
ICT-specific features
  • The impact assessment includes all emissions related to:
    • Organisation (client terminals, client software, ICT equipment)

    • Mobile and wire networks

    • Data centres (ICT equipment, application software and services, ICT equipment)

  • Specific guidelines and examples of main footprint contributors are given for:
    • ICT using organisations
    • Organisations hosting IT activities
    • Telecommunications service providers
  • ICT products manufacturers 
Examples of implementation / experience feedback

None identified – to be filled later

Interaction with other methodologies
  • [ISO 14064-1] Greenhouse gases - Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals
  • [ISO 14069] Greenhouse gases - Quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions for organizations
  • [GHG Protocol] Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard

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